Total Lawn Care January 12th, 2025 Back to Blog $0.00 1. What is the size of your yard: First we need to determine the size of your yard. Lot AcreageEnter your acreage belowPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 0.ORLot Square FootageEnter your square footage belowPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Don’t know your yard size or home square footage? Did you know you can pull your yard acreage or home square footage from Zillow®. Go to your listing, view "Facts & Features" for your acreage. Your homes square footage should be at the top of your listing. Visit Zillow websiteYour Home Square FootageEnter your homes square footageHome StoriesLet us know how many stories your home isPlease Choose123This field is hidden when viewing the formCalc Lot Square FootageThis field is hidden when viewing the formCalc Lot AcreageThis field is hidden when viewing the formTotal Lawn Square Footage 2. Annual Total Green Plan The pre-tax cost for your annual Moyer Total Green Plan is below. You can add additional services below and then see final total with discount.Total Green Plan 3. Optional Additional Services Add or remove any of our popular additional services listed below. The cost will be calculated instantly based on your lawn size above.Annual Total Green Plan:This field is hidden when viewing the formFlea and Tick Program Flea & Tick Program Flea & Tick Program Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_fleaThis field is hidden when viewing the formAeration & Seeding Aeration & Seeding Aeration & Seeding Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_aerationThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeeding ONLY Seeding Only Seeding Only Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_seedingThis field is hidden when viewing the formFungicide Treatment Fungicide Treatment Fungicide Treatment Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_fungicideThis field is hidden when viewing the formPotassium Treatment Potassium Treatment Potassium Treatment Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_potassiumThis field is hidden when viewing the formCalcium Treatment Calcium Treatment Calcium Treatment Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_calciumThis field is hidden when viewing the formDynamic Enhanced Soil Amendment Dynamic Enhanced Soil Amendment Dynamic Enhanced Soil Amendment Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_dynamicThis field is hidden when viewing the formNutsedge Control Nutsedge Control Nutsedge Control Keep These Little Pests out of Your Yard Our approach ensures that both ticks and fleas are effectively managed, reducing the risk of infestation and disease transmission. We focus on areas most likely to harbor these pests, such as tall grasses, shaded areas and around wooded perimeters. Close Add Remove option_nutsedge 4. Final Cost with DiscountService Sub Total:Online Instant 10% Discount:Pre-Tax SubTotal:Purchase now and get your instant online discount. If you have any questions, please call 215.799.2016. Subtotal Options Total Total Lawn Care quantity Add to cart Category: Uncategorized Related products Test Product $0.00 Select options Test 2 $100.00 Add to cart Next Article Have Questions? Need Service? Contact customer service below and we will be happy to answer any questions or help you schedule an appointment. 215-799-2000 Contact Us Sign Up to Receive Specials Be the first to receive limited time specials and promotions on Moyer services and money saving tips from our experts. Sign Up