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Why Residents Should Lookout For Spiders This Summer

Spiders make better neighbors than houseguests, that’s for sure! In fact, spiders are pests that you most definitely want to keep out of your home this summer. While some spiders can be beneficial by eating the other insect pests inside our homes, most of us don’t want to share our personal space with them.

Having a large presence of spiders in your home can be an indicator that you have a larger pest problem; after all, spiders only set up residence where they have a tasty food source! If spiders are in your home, that means they have other pests to feed on. In addition to the relatively harmless house spiders, we also have some more dangerous spiders to be on the lookout for including the brown recluse and black widow spiders.

Brown Recluse Spiders & Black Widows in Pennsylvania

While we see most spiders as just nuisance pests, having them in our homes can cause issues that you may be unaware of. Any pests living inside our homes have the potential to spread bacteria and allergens that can trigger problems for the inhabitants, including spiders.

There are also some venomous spiders that can cause your family members great harm including the brown recluse and the black widow. The biggest threat that both spider’s pose is that their bites can cause painful symptoms such as stomach cramps and infections.

While neither of these spiders are aggressive by nature, they will bite if they feel threatened. If you reach your hand into a box or put your foot into a shoe that they are hiding in, you are likely to be bitten. If bitten by these spiders, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Preventing Spiders

There are several things that may attract spiders to your home, one of the biggest being the availability of food sources inside your home. One key way to prevent spiders in your home is to make sure you don’t have any other pests that they feed on living inside your home.

Spiders will eat all sorts of other bugs, from flies to beetles and even other spiders! If you have large populations of these insect pests in your home, spiders will have access to an abundance of food sources and will be more likely to stick around.

Getting rid of all pests from your home is easier said than done, however — implementing pest prevention tips like the following can help quite a bit:

  • keeping your home clean and clutter-free
  • weatherproofing your home
  • keeping food sealed in containers or stored in the refrigerator
  • trimming back overgrown hedges
  • keeping your grass short
  • removing any decaying leaves or other organic material from your property
  • vacuuming regularly

Putting a year-round pest control plan from Moyer into place is a surefire way to make sure that spiders and other pests don’t take up residence in your home; in fact, all three of our home protection plans include spider prevention and treatment! Give us a call at 215.799.2010 or fill out the form below and we will contact you.



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