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Why Winter Doesn’t Mean a Break from Bed Bugs

While some people love winter and others loathe it, we can all agree that it has both good and bad points. The freezing temperatures can be a turn-off for many, but a lot of people love the activities that go along with the snow. And though shoveling may not be much fun, getting a few months’ reprieve from the pests that annoy us all summer is certainly nice.

Do we really get a reprieve from all those pests? Ideally, every pesky insect should die in the winter, giving us a few months of peace before coming back out in the spring. However, there are some insects that manage to bug us all year long. One such insect is the bed bug.

bed bugs

Bed bugs live primarily indoors, giving them the heat they need to survive the winter. As long as they have a food source as well as the warmth they need, they’ll happily remain active in your home throughout the year. If they don’t have a food source, they can go for several months without eating and still survive.

The good news is that although they do remain active in the winter, there is a slightly smaller chance of a new infestation at this time, compared to the summer months when bed bugs are most active. Bed bugs can survive for short periods in cold temperatures, but they don’t like the cold and are less likely to hitch a ride with someone traveling from place to place. Instead, they’re more likely to hunker down in the safe warmth of a place they’ve already infested.

At What Temperature Do Bed Bugs Die?

While many people hope that cold weather alone will eliminate bed bugs, indoor conditions simply don’t get cold enough. Bed bugs cannot survive extended exposure to extreme cold (well below freezing) for long periods, but the average heated home never reaches these low temperatures. Relying on winter weather to solve a bed bug infestation won’t work. For additional information about bed bugs, including their behavior and effective treatment options, visit our Bed Bug Resource Page.

Regardless of whether they’re moving around or not, bed bugs are bad news. When they get into your home, they will reproduce and quickly become a big problem. They are fantastic at hiding in places you wouldn’t think to look—or couldn’t reach even if you did think of it. They are also extremely difficult to kill.

Even if you attempt a DIY bed bug treatment and it seems to work, it is more than likely that you didn’t kill all of the bed bugs, larvae, or eggs. Similarly, most DIY treatments can’t reach the hard-to-find hiding spots where bed bugs live when they’re not roaming around or feeding.

Quick Tips to Help (Though Professional Treatment is Recommended):

  • Thoroughly vacuum areas where you suspect bed bugs.
  • Launder bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on high heat. Bed bugs only begin to die at sustained temperatures above 113 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Seal cracks and crevices to reduce hiding spots.

If you’re still seeing bed bugs, we can help. Give us a call at 215.799.2010 or fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: At what temperatures do bed bugs die?
A: Bed bugs and their eggs begin to die when exposed to sustained high heat of around 113°F (45°C) for about 90 minutes. Conversely, extreme cold can also be lethal: exposing bed bugs to 0°F (-17.8°C) or lower for at least 4 days will typically kill all stages, including eggs.

Q: Do bed bugs bite during winter?
A: Yes. If they have a host and a warm environment, bed bugs remain active and will continue to feed throughout the year.

Q: Is professional treatment necessary?
A: Due to their resilience and ability to hide, professional treatments are often the most reliable way to fully eliminate a bed bug infestation.

Q: Does freezing kill bed bugs on small items?
A: Placing infested items in a freezer set to a very low temperature (0°F or below) for several days can help kill bed bugs in those specific items. However, this is often impractical for larger belongings or entire rooms, and it must be done correctly to be effective.

Q: Do bed bugs become less active when indoor heating is turned down?

A: While lower indoor temperatures may slightly slow their activity, it generally won’t be enough to kill bed bugs. They can still survive and reproduce at typical household temperatures, even if you keep your thermostat on the cool side.

Updated: December 2024


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