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How to Keep a Pool Cover from Sagging

In all my years as a pool maintenance professional, I have seen my fair share of pool owners having problems because their pool safety covers are sagging. It’s not just that a sagging pool cover looks unappealing, it can also be dangerous. A sagging pool cover won’t have the tautness to provide the necessary protection and security of a properly installed cover.

In this article, I’ll share how to prevent your pool safety cover from sagging and give some examples to help you if you are dealing with this issue.

Select the Right Type of Pool Safety Cover

The first step in preventing a sagging pool safety cover is choosing the right type of cover for your pool. There are two main types of pool safety covers: mesh and solid. Mesh covers allow water to pass through, while solid covers are impermeable. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages but in general, solid covers are more prone to sagging due to the weight of water and debris they collect.

Tip: If you live in an area with heavy rainfall or snowfall, a mesh cover may be a better option to prevent sagging, because water will pass through the cover instead of accumulating on the surface.

Proper Installation

Proper installation is a must to have a taut and secure pool safety cover. An improperly installed cover may sag, become loose, or even detach from the pool entirely. Follow these guidelines to avoid these issues:

  • Make sure the anchors are installed correctly and are spaced evenly around the pool.
  • Tighten the springs and straps that connect the cover to the anchors, ensuring an even distribution of tension across the cover.
  • Check for any obstructions or sharp objects around the pool perimeter that could damage the cover.

Tip: A common mistake I’ve seen is when pool owners use incorrect or mismatched hardware to secure their safety covers, which can lead to sagging. Always use the hardware recommended by the cover manufacturer to ensure a proper fit and long-lasting support.

Regularly Inspect and Maintain Your Pool Safety Cover

Routine inspection and maintenance can help you identify and address potential issues before they cause your cover to sag. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Clean the cover regularly to prevent debris buildup, which can add extra weight and lead to sagging.
  • Check for damage, such as tears or frayed straps, and repair or replace the cover as needed.
  • After heavy rainfall or snowfall, remove excess water and snow from the cover to prevent sagging due to added weight.

Tip: I’ve seen many pool owners neglect to remove snow from their safety covers, resulting in significant sagging and damage. Regularly removing snow can help maintain the cover’s structural integrity and prevent potential safety hazards.

Adjust the Water Level

The water level in your pool can affect the tension of your safety cover. If the water level is too low, the cover may sag because it is not adequately supported. On the other hand, if the water level is too high, the cover may stretch and become loose. To prevent sagging, maintain the recommended water level for your pool, which is usually around the middle of the skimmer opening.


Preventing pool safety cover sagging is essential for keeping your pool looking great and, most of all, safe. By choosing the right type of cover, ensuring proper installation, regularly inspecting and maintaining the cover, and adjusting the water level, you can keep your pool safety cover functioning at its best.

Have questions? Need help? Call us at 215.799.2008.



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