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This comprehensive library will help you identify the type of pest and understand its behavior and habits. From ants to termites, bed bugs to roaches, we’ve got you covered.
Are you seeing ants in your home? If you see one or two, more will soon follow. Identify the type of ant so you can determine next steps.
Is it a termite or a flying ant? You want to identify termites quickly to avoid the damage these pests can cause to your property.
What is that bug? If it gives off a musty odor when crushed, it’s probably a stink bug. Learn more about these nuisance pests.
Mice are one of the most common mammals in the world. Learn how many species call the northeastern United States home.
We need bees for a healthy environment. But you don’t need to put up with them in your home. Before taking action, find out what type of bee you might be dealing with.
Box elder bugs are often mistaken for stink bugs. Learn how to identify Box Elder Bugs and why they may be trying to access your home.
Is it a rat or a mouse? Find out how to tell the difference and discover the types of rats that live in the northeastern United States.
There are 50 types of wasps found in Pennsylvania. Find out more about the five types of wasps found in our area.
Roaches are everywhere. They’ve been on the planet for over 300 million years. Learn more about how they’ve survived so long and the types of roaches local to our region.
Bed bugs are a challenge to control because they are so difficult to see. Learn what to look for if you suspect you have an issue with bed bugs.
Of the 45,000 species of spiders in the world, 45 of them are found in Pennsylvania. Learn more about the most common types of spiders in our region.
If you’re noticing a large group of flies gathering on the inside or outside of your home or commercial property, it’s likely they are cluster flies. Learn more about them if you suspect you have an infestation.
Do all mosquitoes bite? How many species are local to our region? Learn about these pesky pests.